
The child who loved me has left
her print on this tangled bedsheet.
Across age after age
this has been the old lover's hammock, strung up
between epochs,

like a fragment of paper
that survives translation,

like the sigh of a child running
between two sentences,

like love's mirrored fossil

- but already
there are those who would prefer to this poem
to see me listed in the tidy column of suicides,

when the forest blinks like a child's green eye
and her mouth is remembering the shadows of my pen
and the sea behind the trees folds its tinfoil wings,
when our two lives should be claiming one another

- but already
I look over my shoulder
at the journalists crouched like rats,
the shrugging sergeant,
the glow of a cigar in the darkness.

After the deaths
of as many names as you want
somewhere in a sweating forest
there might be an end
to this sentence


She's no longer with us
"She's no longer with us"
doesn't necessarily mean
she is not here.
Doesn't necessarily mean
she is dead.
Doesn't necessarily mean
she can't hear
us anymore.
Doesn't necessarily mean
she doesn't care
............... about us
in her special way.

"She's no longer with us"
only means that
she lives near by...
but not exactly inside...
Only means we're separated by a glass wall
one can see but never break
Only means we can actually meet
one another only
at some rare, fragile moments
and never take
those moments for granted.
Only means we are different now
and it's a difference we can no longer hide.
"She's no longer with us"
only means that
she has her own world now
and I have mine.

by Naomi


Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4