
A gangly man, staring
he blinks a couple of times
in the old 11th birthday T-shirt
Tight across jutting bones

Happy is sad is angry is dead
on a bench waiting for the world to turn
into some other place
but it doesn't.

by Ann Vocature

I can't control myself.
I can't control myself.
I don't have my pills.
I hear these voices in my head
Telling me to do terrible things.
At first I thought it was my girlfriend
But now I know
That its just my imagination.
But still...
I've got to do what they say
Or else!
I almost don't know
What's real
And what's in my head.
I think the voices are real
Now And people aren't.
They won't stop!
God help me!
Why won't you fucking listen to me!
I need pills
You mother fucker!
Give me pills
These voices...
They won't STOP!
You won't help me.
I'll help myself.
See that nice butcher knife
There by the fridge?
It's for us.
I'm going to stop the voices
But first...
They're telling me to murder you.
So here I stand Brandishing this knife.
Your blood
So bright and red in my eyes
Almost fluorescent
Drips and gleams from the blade.
I swallow hard.
I'm sorry I say,
The voices told me to!
You wouldn't listen to me!
And they didn't want you to listen
I had to kill you!
I'm sorry! But now It's going to be fine
Because the voices have one last
Message for me.
See this nice butcher knife
Harbouring your blood?
Watch as I Slash my throat wide
And my blood
Mixes with yours...
And becomes one.
Our deceased bodies
Entangled on the floor.
Both victims of the voices...
Because they told me to.


I can hear the wind whisper my name with your voice
I can feel your heartbeat in the ground beneath my feet
I can sense you walking in my shadow
I can almost feel your touch on my arm
I can hear you scream from your own nightmares
I can see the helpless tears slide down your cheeks
I can remember every word I say to you
And sometimes
I remember that we're the same person

by Lost Angel

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4