If I could..


If I could see
I'd commit everything to memory
So when darkness comes and daylight dies
I'd paint the sky without my eyes

If I could speak
I'd be the author behind my cheek
I'd never leave any songs unsung
And thoughts shall never stale under my tongue

If I could hear
I'd want my heart to be my ear
I'd sit alone on the quietest quay
And try to hear what my eyes could see

If I could smell
My socks would leave me in a dizzy spell
If I had to pick a favorite scent
It'd have to be wherever Momma went

If I could laugh
My grin would cut my face in half
For awhile my eyes would disappear
And if I'm really happy they'd start to tear

If I could taste
I'd savor every bite and not chew in haste
Eating right, I wonder how tall I'd grow
But Mom I guess I'd never know.


by Jeremy Chin